Davidoff The proton and electron are bonded by their equal and opposite chargesatom-0002 The MoleculeAn electrically neutral group of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds. Molecules do not have an electrical charge.bonds- 0012 The Parts of the Body structure-0003 The ConnectorsArteries Veins Lymphatics and Nervesbonds-0002 Parts bonded to make the WholeThe collage of X-rays, MRI’s and CT scans shows the bonding of the parts to make the whole. The yearning for wholeness is a life time endeavour.body-0020 The Functioning Body – When Structure and Function MeetA variety of human endeavors combine the body mind and soul to produce magnificence – Sometimes the expression through dance brings the parts togetherstructure-0004 Reproduced from a remarkable advertisement of Prince Chunky Spaghetti Saucesize-0006 Normal and Abnormal Body HabitusImage on the left shows a normal chest and abdomen. The middle image shows an emaciated body. The right image shows an overweight bodysize-0001 Normal Liver above Cirrhotic Liver belowThis diagram reflects the large left lobe of the liver in cirrhosis and the small right lobe. The caudate lob is not depicted.Davidoff artliver-00012c Normal Alveoli of the Lung and EmphysemaThis diagram above illustrates the branching pattern of the tracheobronchial tree that extends from the bronchi to the terminal bronchioles transitioning into the alveoli via the alveolar sacs. The diagram below shows alveoli and respiratory bronchioles that are too large due to loss of elasticity, so that air cannot be moved efficiently through them This is a diagram of emphysema causing hyperinflated lungs lung volumes Davidoff artsize-0002 Normal and Emphysematous LungThe CT scan on the left shows normal lung parenchyma while the CT scan on the right shows many black holes in the lung (“swiss cheese appearance”) characteristic of emphysemaCourtesy Ashley Davidoff MDsize-0004 Normal and Emphysematous LungThe CT scan on the left shows normal lung parenchyma while the CT scan on the right shows many black holes in the lung (“swiss cheese appearance”) characteristic of emphysemaCourtesy Ashley Davidoff MDsize-0004 Normal and Cirrhotic LiverThe CT scan on the left shows a normal sized liver in the context of a romantic evening with a couple sharing a beer at sunset by the sea .The CT scan on the right shows a shrunken cirrhotic liver in the context of a person drinking alone and excesssively iwith raging clouds in the sky.Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MDsize-0004 Nuclear-Cytoplasmic RatioThe normal (upper) and the abnormally large nucleus (lower)Two histological sections above show a normal nuclear cytoplasmic ratio of some liver cells in the upper panel and cells with an increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio on the lower panel indicating malignant change. The experienced eye and mind of the pathologist develops a geshtalt of what the normal ratio. This is a difficult measurement to make objectively.Courtesy Barbara Banner MDliver-0033 Shape Shapes of the Organs and Parts of the BodyCopyright Ashley Davidoff MD 2018shapes-0002 Staghorn CalculiStaghorn calculi are large concretions that form abnormally in the intrarenal collecting system which has a similar shape to the horns of a stag.Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD 2018shapes-0007 Reproduced from a remarkable advertisement of Prince Chunky Spaghetti Saucesize-0006 Witchdoctor – Gallbladders in his HeadressIn the Zulu culture, the Sangoma or witchdoctor,wears a headress ornamented with the gallbladders of cattle. The Zulus believe that the uterus and the similalrly pearshaped gall bladder both receive and give life.Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD 2018shapes-0005 “Sangoma ” – South African Witchdoctor – Gallbladders in her HeadressIn the Zulu culture the Sangoma or witchdoctor wears a headress ornamented with the gallbladders of cattle. The Zulus believe that the uterus and the similalrly pearshaped gall bladder both receive and give life.Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MDshapes-0004 Staghorn CalculiStaghorn calculi are large concretions that form abnormally in the intrarenal collecting system which has a similar shape to the horns of a stag.Copyright Ashley Davidoff MD 2018shapes-0006